Women and men of character and convictions, the ACTIV’CLAVIERS team carries the skills without which nothing would be possible. Committed to its customers, on a permanent watch, it mobilizes its know-how and its versatility to succeed in each project in the best conditions. Management, sales representatives, account managers, technicians, assistants… all are driven by the same desire to progress together.
Human resources and recruitment are a major challenge for the future of SMIs. At ACTIV’CLAVIERS, hiring difficulties are a reality but not inevitable. With Pole Emploi and the Local Mission, UDIMEC, schools and our partners, we recruit regularly, train our apprentices and employees, welcome interns (5 last year) and we fully intend to continue!
Want to join us? You can consult our job offers and send us your application:
- through our LinkedIn page
- or directly via this form
Amandine: Screen printing operator
After a period of immersion, Amandine was trained as a screen printer with the help of the Pôle Emploi system (400-hour internal training contract). After a 6-month CDD, Amandine became an employee on a permanent contract.
Kevin: Design Office Technician
He passed his BTS CPI in work-study (learning contract) and continued his course with a PRO CAPE license in work-study. He is versatile: BE technician, quality referent, Lean Manufacturing project manager.